北方浓香型酒与川酒工艺的差异主要表现在 ,①发酵期不同 ,川酒发酵60天 ,北方许多厂采取30~40天发酵期 ;②制曲 ,川酒用纯小麦曲 ,培菌温度60℃左右 ,北方则用小麦、大麦、豌豆混合制曲 ,培菌温度45℃左右 ;③川酒注重窖泥培养 ,北方则常用纯种培养 ;④川酒打量水要求水温80℃以上 ,北方则用冷水浸粮 ;⑤川酒注重窖帽高出地面1~2m ,北方入池糟醅则平地面。在黄水利用、装甑操作、蒸馏摘酒及酒库管理等方面 ,川酒与北方浓香型酒都有明显差异。(一平)
The differences in the technology of Luzhou-flavour liquor between in north of China and in Sichuan are as following:①The fermentation time is different.It needs 60 days for Sichuan liquor and 30~40 days for north liquor.②The starter-making is different.The starter is made with pure wheat under 60℃in Sichuan, but it is made with the mixed wheat,barley and pea under 45℃ in north.③Sichuan liquor is paid attention to the culture of pit mud,north liquor is often used the starter of pure culture.④The temperature of the water sprinkling on the cooked grain is above 85℃ in Sichuan,but in north,the cooked grain may be soaked with cool water.⑤The fermenting grain is 1~1.2m above the floor in Sichuan,but it is equal to the floor in north.Besides,there are some other obrvious differences in using yellow water,filling steamer,distillation and liquor recieving and storeroom administration etc.
Liquor-Making Science & Technology