本文对陶瓷表面的预处理和化学镀工艺进行了实验研究, 确定了最佳的工艺参数, 并成功地在 Sr Ti O3 陶瓷表面制备出结合力良好的 Ni P 合金镀层。实验表明, 镀层的可焊性随含磷量的增加而下降。通过热处理, 镀镍电极电容器的损耗和表面电阻明显降低。
The process of pretreatment and chemical plating of the surface of SrTiO 3 ceramics were experimentally studied with the result that the best process parameters were defined and well bonded Ni P plating on the ceramics was achiev ed.It is shown through experiment that the weldablity of the plating decreases with the increase of the P content in it.After heat treatment,the losses of the condensers with plating apparently reduced.
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals