针对在七轴四联动数控磨床上磨削自由曲面的问题,采用具有圆弧母线圆弧面结构的砂轮,提出了一种变刀触点截面的加工方法以弥补数控机床联动轴的限制以及消除加工时的干涉。该方法首先建立了砂轮工作表面的数学模型,获得砂轮工作面各点的坐标以及法向量。其次利用UG的建模功能和基于UG/OPEN API(UG二次开发应用程序接口)和MFC开发的自由曲面分析模块,获得自由曲面上各点的坐标值,法向量以及曲率半径等相关参数。最后结合无干涉条件,确定砂轮工作表面上能够满足无干涉磨削的刀触点,与加工点拟合完成加工。给出了磨削叶盆型面的刀位点计算实例,得到了加工刀位数据,并验证了算法的准确性。
In order to grind the free surface in four-axis CNC grinding machine, we use a special grinding wheel whose generatrix and surface are both circular arcs. We proposed a new method to make up the limit of universal driving shaft and eliminate interference. In this method the cutter contact point (CCpoint) is not fixed. First, the mathematics model of the grinding wheel is built, and then the point parameters in the free surface ( including radi- us of curvature, point position, normal vector and other related parameters) are obtained by applying UG OPEN API(Application Program Interface)and MFC. Finally, the proper CCpoint is found according to the no-interference condition and with it the working point is fitted to finish the grinding. A calculating example of blade surface grinding is given and the grinding data are obtained.
Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering