
“增阻降流”苹果修剪理论创建及应用研究 被引量:1

Study on Creation and Application of the Pruning Theory of Increasing Resistance and Decreasing Current of Apple Tree
摘要 为给苹果早、丰、稳产修剪技术提供新的理论支撑,笔者以苹果树体结构图为试材,依据物理学的电路原理创新性地提出并定性论证了一套更深层次的剪枝理论。该理论包含3个要点:(1)"增阻降流"修剪法可使苹果树早、丰、稳产;(2)根茎以上任何枝,疏则增阻(树阻),截则降阻(树阻);(3)疏除基部同枝轴低阻大型枝比高阻小型枝树阻增幅大。此外,还对该理论进行了具体解释,并于2004—2010年进行了该理论的应用试验。结果表明:幼龄期苹果园应用此理论后,13个品种中的4个品种定植第2年开花株率即达75%,另外9个品种为50%,进入初果期比常规管理提早1~2年;盛果期富士园应用本理论,6年单产平均49203kg/hm2,比对照园提高54.4%,大小年指数介于6.1%~18.6%,可评价为"丰产、稳产园",而对照园大小年指数介于121.8%~428.8%,属于严重变产园,且单产在2008、2009年有下滑趋势。由上可见,"增阻降流"修剪理论在实现苹果早、丰、稳产方面,效果显著。 To provide a new theoretical support for the pruning technique on apple for early bearing,high and stable yields,the author proposed innovatively and proved qualitatively a deeper pruning theory based on the circuit principle in physics with the apple tree structure diagram as material.The theory included three points:(1) The pruning method of increasing resistance and decreasing current of apple tree could obtain early bearing,high and stable yields;(2) Thinning any branch above rhizome would increase the resistance of tree,on the contrary,short cutting would decrease it;(3) Thinning a large branch with low resistance would have a larger increase amplitude of tree resistance than a small branch with high resistance whose basal part was in the same shoot with the former.Furthermore,the author explained the theory specifically and conducted an application test about it during 2004-2010.The results showed that:In young apple orchard applied the theory,the flowering plant ratio of 4 cultivars reached to 75% and that of the other 9 was 50% among 13 cultivars,whose initial fruit-bearing stage was 1-2 years earlier than under the condition of conventional management;In full fruit-bearing ' Fuji ' apple orchard applied the theory,the average yield of 6 years was 49203 kg/hm 2 which increased 54.4% than the control,and this orchard could be appraised as high,stable yielding also for its biennial bearing index of 6.1%-18.6%,while the control orchard was appraised as very unstable yielding for that of 121.8%-428.8%,moreover,its per unit area yield of 2008 and 2009 trended towards decrease.It was clear from the foregoing that the pruning theory created by the author was veryeffective in obtaining early bearing,high and stable yields.
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第13期227-231,共5页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 山西省农业科学院攻关项目"山西南部优质早熟苹果引种筛选研究"(YGG0817)
关键词 修剪理论 苹果 早果 丰产 稳产 增阻降流 pruning theory apple early bearing high yield stable yield increasing resistance and decreasing current
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