
概念图在儿科护理学教学中的应用 被引量:4

Application of concept map in the teaching of Pediatric Nursing
摘要 目的探讨概念图在儿科护理学教学的应用方法及效果。方法在2006级45名护理本科生(试验组)儿科护理学教学中实施概念图教学策略,在2005级35名护理本科生(对照组)中采用传统教学方法,比较两组在理论考试中相关试题的得分,并通过问卷调查了解试验组对概念图教学的反馈情况。结果试验组理论考试中采用概念图教学的相关试题得分为(8.25±0.55)分,对照组得分为(7.68±0.47)分,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。对试验组的调查结果显示,92.4%学生对概念图的使用较满意,88.4%学生认为概念图能促进护理专业课学习,82.1%学生认为做图有困难,55.6%学生建议改进绘图方式方法。结论将概念图用于儿科护理学教学可有效提高学生的成绩,促进其进行有意义的学习。 Objective To discuss the application method and effect of concept map in the teaching of Pediatric Nursing.Methods In the teaching of Pediatric Nursing,45 undergraduate nursing students enrolling in 2006(experimental group) used the concept map teaching strategy,and 35 undergraduate nursing students enrolling in 2005(control group) used traditional teaching method.The scores in the theory test were compared between the two groups,and a self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate the student' feedback on the concept map teaching in the experimental group.Results The score of theory test in the experimental group was higher than that in the control group,and the differences were significant(P0.05).The survey showed that 92.4 percent of the students were satisfied with the use of concept map,88.4 percent of the students thought that concept map had promoted nursing professional course learning,82.1 percent of the students felt some difficulty in doing map,and 55.6 percent of the students suggested to improve drawing method.Conclusion Application of the concept map in the teaching of Pediatric Nursing can improve nursing students' achievement and promote them to carry on the meaningful study.
出处 《中华护理教育》 2011年第5期208-210,共3页 Chinese Journal of Nursing Education
基金 第二军医大学教学研究课题(JYC2009015)
关键词 学生 护理 儿科护理学 教学方法 概念图 Students Nursing Pediatric Nursing Teaching Methods Concept map
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