

Routing Strategy and Simulation for Vehicle Communication Network
摘要 针对传统路由技术已不能适用于动态分布式网络(如车载通信网络)的现状,提出一种基于DSR分层机制的移动代理路由策略(NCM-DSR),并将所提出的NCM-DSR协议分别与加入移动代理的DSR协议(MA-DSR)和DSR协议进行比较.仿真实验结果表明,NCM-DSR协议降低了端到端的传输时延,进一步减少了路由请求次数,包的提交率也有一定程度的提高,更适于车载通信网的实时通信. In view of purely adding mobile agent into demand routing protocol just taking up more bandwidth,increasing the cost of the system,and making the packet delivery ratio declined,the authors proposed a routing strategy with mobile agent based on hierarchical DSR(NCM-DSR),and took computer simulation with the designed algorithm.The proposed NCM-DSR protocol was compared with the multi agent based adaptive DSR protocol(MA-DSR) and DSR protocol respectively.Simulation results show that NCM-DSR protocol could reduce end-to-end transmission delay significantly,further cut down the number of routing requests,improving the submission rate to a certain extent.So this improved protocol is more suitable for real-time communication vehicular communication networks.
出处 《吉林大学学报(理学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期512-518,共7页 Journal of Jilin University:Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金(批准号:60872037) 重庆市自然科学基金(批准号:2008BB2411) 重庆市教委应用基础研究基金(批准号:KJ080508)
关键词 车载通信网 车载自组织网络 DSR协议 移动代理 群首 vehicle communications network vehicular ad hoc networks dynamic source routing protocol mobile agents cluster head
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