目的 通过对某矿井及选煤厂工作场所煤尘的检测,了解职业危害现状,并对其职业危害控制效果进行评价.方法 根据生产工艺流程及GBZ159-2004〈工作场所空气中有害物质监测的采样规范〉等标准确定煤尘采样点和采样方法.结果 井下采掘工序受检的21个工种的煤尘时间加权平均浓度(TWA)合格率为28.6%,其中有5个工种的粉尘危害等级为Ⅱ级,6个工种的粉尘危害等级为0级,其余工种的粉尘危害等级均为Ⅰ级.选煤厂检测6个工种的煤尘TWA合格率为83.3%,只有1个工种的粉尘危害等级为Ⅰ级,其余全部为0级.18个作业点定点采样,煤尘浓度合格率为72.2%.结论 喷雾及风流净化水幕对煤尘起到了一定的控制作用,但因井下作业工艺条件和工作环境的限制,大部分工作场所煤尘浓度不符合职业接触限值要求,建议加强除尘或防尘设备的日常管理和维护,强化通风,加强操作人员的个人防护.
Objective through a detection of dust in the coal mines workplace, to understand the status of occupational hazards, and the evaluation of occupational hazards, provide subject to control occupational hazards. Method according to production process and "hazardous substances in workplace air monitoring, sampling norms" and other standards to determine the sampling points and sampling of coal dust.Result underground mining operations in 21 subjects with time-weighted average concentration of dust types pass rate of 28.6%, of which five types of dust hazard grade Ⅱ, six types of dust hazard rating of 0, and the remaining types of grade Ⅰ dust hazard levels. Coal dust test six types of time-weighted average concentration of 83.3% pass rate, only one types of dust hazard grade Ⅰ, all the rest is 0. Calculated by the detection of dust overrun 18 times operating sites, the pass rate of 72.2% results. Conclusion purified water spray and air flow curtain of dust control has played a certain role, but the work of underground working conditions and environmental constraints, most of the dust concentration in workplace occupational exposure limits do not meet the requirements, recommended the strengthening of dust or Dust the daily management and maintenance of equipment, strengthen the ventilation, personal protection officers to strengthen operations.
Chinese Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases
Coal mining
Occupational exposure
Environmental monitoring