本文介绍了压力容器制造中倾斜接管的解决办法,其中有两点可供其它产品制造时借鉴。一是对一些水压试验后不能再进行机加工以达到接口尺寸要求的接管可采用加工零件时预先加工到一定尺寸, 然后气割、修磨至要求;二是以往通常用投影转换的方法来求得筒体和接管的相贯线,这种方法放样困难、繁复且精度不高。本文采用建立空间坐标,通过解方程得到相交点位置, 可简便地解决各类复杂结构的啮合问题。
This paper introduced the machining methods of tilt nozzles in the pressure vessel manufacture process.there are two points should be learned in the manufacture process of other products.First,the nozzles,which can not be machined after the hydraulic test,should be machined,gas cut and removed out before fitting up to the shell.Second,we used to find out the intersect lines of shell and nozzles by the means of projection transform.Its too complicated and the accuracy cant meet the request.In this paper,we built the space axis,transter into math formulas,then soeve out them,so we get the situations of the cross points.By this way,we can resolve the mesh problems of any complicated structures.
Pressure Vessel Technology