Objective: To study the three dimension (pH-time-release) release characteristics of Potassium Chloride Sus tained Release Tablets from the different factories (A, B, C, D). Methods: According to Chinese pharmacopoeia Chp (2010) dissolution method. The accumulation release percentage of Potassium Chloride Sustained release Tables under the differ ent pH conditions was determined by measure analysis, then the release characteristics were explored[ by similarity factor method, Zero grade model, First grade model, Diffusion corrosion model and Hixson Crowell model. Results: The release mechanisms (the curves of accumulative release) of the different factories (A, B, C, D) were accorded with the Diffusion corrosion model and Hixson Crowell model. Other, the release behaviors were not affected by pH. Condusion: The four factories of the Diffusion corrosion model and Hixson Crowell model (curves of accumulative release) were same.
China Medical Herald