为了考察臭氧-混凝-机械加速澄清池-紫外再生水深度处理组合工艺的处理效果,对北京市某再生水厂各工艺单元的进、出水常规指标、有机物及指示病原微生物的去除进行了研究。结果表明,组合工艺对色度、浊度、有机物及指示病原微生物都具有较好的去除效果。当进水CODCr为19.6-29.6 mg/L、色度为24-28度、浊度为2-3 NTU、总大肠杆菌和粪大肠杆菌为106 cfu/L时,出水CODCr〈20 mg/L、色度〈15度、浊度〈1 NTU、粪大肠杆菌〈3 cfu/L,出水水质可满足回用水的水质要求。
Advanced wastewater treatment plant with process of ozone-coagulation sedimentation-UV was conducted for advanced purification of the effluent,which was treated by routine process of oxidation ditch.The results show that the removal effects of COD,color and turbidity are satisfactory,which is treated by ozone-coagulation sedimentation-UV.When CODCr of influent is 19.6-29.6 mg / L,color is 24-28 degrees,turbidity is 2-3 NTU and Escherichia coli is 106 cfu / L,CODCr of effluent is less than 20 mg / L,color is less than 15 degrees,turbidity is less than 1 NTU and Escherichia coli is less than 3 cfu / L,which is quite enough to meet the requirement of the reclaimed water standard.
Water Purification Technology