目前FIR滤波器的一般设计方法比较繁琐,开发周期长,如果采用设计好的FIR滤波器的IP核,则开发效率大为提高。本方案基于Altera公司的Cyclone Ⅱ系列芯片EP2C8Q208C8N,首先利用MATLAB中的滤波器函数fir2得出需产生的FIR滤波器的系数,再导入FIR IP Core,成功完成了FIR数字滤波器的设计。另外分析了阶数与不均匀采样数据对FPGA资源的影响和对生成FIR滤波器的输出性能的影响,并将实际输出的幅频特性图与我们需要的幅频特性图相比较,验证生成的FIR数字滤波器的性能。
Currently FIR filter design method is complicated and the development cycle is long,if the design of FIR filter uses IP core which designed already,the development efficiency will he greatly improved. This paper bases on Ahera Corporation's Cyclone II series EP2C8Q208C8N chip,gets coefficients of FIR filter by MATLAB the filter function fir2 and import the coefficients into FIR IP Core to complete the FIR filter's design. And the paper has analyzed uneven sampled data and filter order which had impact on the performance of FPGA generate FIR digital filter. This paper uses the amplitude-frequency characteristic curve which we need compares actual output's amplitude-frequency characteristic curve, try to test the FIR bandpass filter's performance.
Electronic Design Engineering