在1997 ~1998 年两年间,应用好事达、百草敌、使它隆、2 ,4 - D 丁酯四种选择性杂草防除剂对四川农业大学校园草坪杂草进行防除试验。结果表明:防除草坪中的双子叶杂草用72 % 的2,4 - D 丁酯2500ml/hm2 + 使它隆1000ml/hm2 ,株防效为90-3 % ,种防效为74 % ,效果最好,经方差检验,与其它几种处理的差异达到了显著或极显著的水平。
A field trial was conducted by using four selective herbicides to rid the broadleaf weeds in turf area.Dicotyledon weeds were treated with the mixture of 72%2,4-D butylate at 2500ml/hm 2 and Starane at 1000ml/hm 2 that made the quantitative control efficiency to 90.3% and the phyletic control efficiency to 74%,which is the most effective treatment of nine different treatments of four herbcids.The trail was tested to significant by using analysis of variance and the treatment 9 was significant to any other treatments at α=0.05 or at α=0.01
Journal of Sichuan Grassland