根据国内文献报道 ,介绍了国内草坪杂草种类调查以及杂草防除的研究进展。草坪杂草防除的难点是禾本科杂草。用啶嘧黄隆等除草剂可有效地防除禾本科杂草。 2 ,4—D丁酯乳油等多种选择性除草剂可以防除阔叶杂草。草坪杂草的生物防治方面也有很大的进展 ,可以用盾负泥虫等天敌控制杂草的危害。
The status of weeds control to truf in China,which troublesome problem was grassweed control,was introduced on the basis of document review.According to different field trial,broadleaf weeds can be controled by several herbicides,such as 2,4-D Butylate.Weeds of Gramineae are difficult to be controled,but they can be controled by some herbicides,such as Flazasul furon.Some weeds can be controle by natural insect enemies,such as Lema scutellaris ,and the concept of IPM of weeds has been advanced by some people.
Journal of Sichuan Grassland