目的分析先天性外中耳畸形患儿的颞骨影像学表现。方法回顾性分析2007年11月—2009年12月在上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院和上海儿童医学中心耳鼻咽喉科因听力障碍(15例)、外耳畸形(55例)而就诊的70例儿童颞骨高分辨率CT和冠状面多平面重建(multiplanar reformation,MPR)结果。结果 CT检查揭示70例患儿共有82畸形耳,分三种情况。(1)64例73耳外耳畸形:其中51例57耳合并中耳畸形,7例10耳存在外、中、内耳畸形,6例6耳仅有外耳畸形。(2)4例6耳中耳畸形同时合并内耳畸形;(3)2例3耳仅存在单纯中耳畸形。所发现的外耳道畸形包括狭窄、膜性闭锁、骨性闭锁;中耳畸形包括乳突气化异常,中耳腔、听小骨及其关节、卵圆窗畸形,另外还发现面神经畸形、脑脊液耳漏及先天性脑膜脑膨出。本组外耳道膜性闭锁的患儿合并中、内耳畸形较多,差异有统计学意义。结论本组外耳道膜性闭锁的患儿合并中、内耳畸形较多。高分辨率CT检查及MPR重建对外、中耳畸形诊断和分类,对于制定临床干预策略、选择治疗方式提供了重要依据。
Objective To study the imaging manifestation of external and middle ear malformations in children.Methods CT scans and multiplanar reformation(MPR) of the temporal bone in seventy children referred to ENT department of Xinhua hospital and Children Medical Center between November 2007 and December 2009 for hearing loss(n=15) and other external ear malformations(n=55) were retrospectively studied.Results External ear malformations were found in 64 patients(73 ears).Of the 51 cases(57 ears) with middle and external ear malformations,7(10 ears) were found to have middle,external and inner ear malformations,6(6 ears) to have only external ear malformations,4(6 ears) to have middle and inner ear malformations,and 2(3 ears) to have only middle ear malformations.External ear meatus malformations found included stenosis,membranous atresia and bony atresia.Middle ear malformations included problems with mastoid pneumatization,tympanic cavity,ossicle joints and windows.Others included facial nerve malformation,cerebrospinal otorrhea and congenital encephalomeningocele.The results showed that patients with membranous atresia of external ear meatus were more likely to have middle and inner ear malformations than patients with meatal stenosis or bony atresia.Conclusion CT examinations and MPR are of great importance for the diagnosis and treatment of children with external and middle ear malformations,especially in deciding on intervention strategies and choice of therapeutic management.
Chinese Journal of Otology