In this paper we examine ship capsize under irregular wave excitation by means of the socalled 'safe basin' of this ship according to Thompson's proposal. With the changing of external excilation, the properties of safebasin would change gradually too. And finally, when the parameters of external excitation, such as amplitude and angUlar velocity of external wave, excess a certain threshold, some dramatic change would haPPen, the boundary of safe basin would be fractal and its area would decrease rapidly too.This is so-called' safe basin erosion' phenomenon. Thompson developed theory of ship's safe basin erosion under regular wave excitation, the sighficance of his work means our former understanding of mechanism Of ship capsize must be recon sidered completely. Because of safe basin erosinon phenomenon, a ship must be considered as unsafe when the parameters of external excitation excess the thresholds, which are usually a small fraction of safe conditions according to traditional understanding. In this paper, we will use the theory of safe basin to examine ship's rolling under waves composed of two sinusoidal wave and irregular wave.Significant difference between safe basin under regUlar and irmgular excitahon would be demonstrated. We hope our research would be helpful for deciding the criterion of ship's capsize which is left for further research.
Journal of Ship Mechanics