
糖和维生素对淡色库蚊及白纹伊蚊产卵选择的影响 被引量:5

The influence of sugars and vitamins on the oviposition preference of gravid female Culex pipiens pallens and Aedes albopictus
摘要 目的评价不同营养物质对淡色库蚊和白纹伊蚊雌蚊产卵选择的影响,为新型诱卵器的研制提供理论支持。方法在室内测定淡色库蚊和白纹伊蚊对不同种类糖和维生素溶液的产卵趋性。结果淡色库蚊怀卵雌蚊偏好在1000mg/L和100mg/L浓度的葡萄糖溶液及1000mg/L浓度的蔗糖溶液中产卵,而白纹伊蚊则对供试的各种糖液没有明显的产卵选择偏好;浓度为100mg/L的盐酸硫胺(VB1)溶液和抗坏血酸(VC)溶液、10mg/L的VB1溶液能显著引诱淡色库蚊产卵,10mg/L的VB1溶液还能显著引诱白纹伊蚊产卵。结论葡萄糖对淡色库蚊、VB1对淡色库蚊和白纹伊蚊在室内有较好的产卵引诱效果。 Objective To evaluate the influence of different sugars and vitamins on the oviposition behavior of gravid female Culex pipiens pallens and Aedes albopictus in laboratory,providing theoretical support for the development of a highly effective ovitrap.Methods The oviposition preference of gravid female Cx.pipiens pallens and Ae.albopictus to different concentrations of sugar and vitamin solutions was determined in laboratory.Results It was found that the gravid female Cx.pipiens pallens preferred to lay eggs in glucose solutions of 100 mg/L and of 1000 mg/L and sucrose solution of 1000 mg/L,with no obvious oviposition preference of the gravid female Ae.albopictus to the sugar solutions tested found,compared with the control tap water.Vitamin B1 solutions of 100 mg/L and 10 mg/L and VC solution of 100 mg/L could produce a significant oviposition preference for Cx.pipiens pallens and so could VB1 solution of 10 mg/L for Ae.albopictus.Conclusion Gravid Cx.pipiens pallens and Ae.albopictus have a high oviposition preference for VB1 with gravid Cx.pipiens pallens attracted to glucose as well in terms of the preference.
出处 《中国媒介生物学及控制杂志》 CAS CSCD 2011年第2期114-116,共3页 Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control
关键词 淡色库蚊 白纹伊蚊 维生素 产卵选择 Culex pipiens pallens Aedes albopictus Sugar Vitamin Oviposition preference
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