目的 了解苯接触对热应激蛋白(HSPs) 表达的影响以及HSPs 在苯毒性机理中的作用, 探讨HSPs 作为接触苯工人分子生物标志物的可能性。方法 选择接触苯浓度≥40mg/ m3 工人42 名为高暴露组, 接触苯浓度< 40mg/m 3工人50 名为低暴露组, 不接触苯等职业有害因素工人42 名为对照组。采用Westerndotblot 方法测定其血浆HSP27 、HSP60 、HSP70 及HSP90 水平。结果 发现高暴露组血浆HSP70 水平明显高于对照组( P< 0.05) , 而HSP27 、HSP60 和HSP90 在四组间差异无显著意义。结论 血浆HSP70 水平能反映工人接触苯的水平及反应能力, 作为分子生物标志物在苯作业工人健康监护中有一定价值。
Objective To investigate the effects of benzene exposure on the expression of heat shock proteins(HSPs) and the probability of HSPs in plasma of workers as biomarkers.Method 144 workers were divided into three groups according to the concentration of benzene in working environment:the high exposed group had 42 workers who exposed to a high benzene exposure(≥40mg/m 3),the low exposed group had of 50 workers exposed to a low level benzene exposure(<40mg/m 3),and the control group consisted of 42 workers who neither had benzene nor other known harmful factors exposure.Using Western dot bloting,the levels of HSP27,HSP60,HSP70 and HSP90 in plasma were determined.Results The levels of plasma HSP70 in high exposed groups were significantly higher than that in controls(P<0 05).Conclusion The level of plasma HSP70 might be used as an effective biomarker in the health monitoring of benzene workers.
Chinese Journal of Industrial Medicine