目的:探索一种快速、实用的扩增登革病毒大片段基因的方法。方法:用登革2 型新几内亚 C 株( D V2 , N G C 株)的核酸( R N A) 为模板,研究了在不同条件下( 病毒和其变性液的量以及c D N A 的浓度等) 通过逆转录聚合酶链式反应技术扩增大片段 N S3 基因,并对扩增的目的基因用巢式 P C R 进行了鉴定。结果:用大量的或小量的登革病毒培养上清中提取 R N A 的方法在一定条件下均可扩增出大片段 N S3 基因。结论:小量登革病毒提取 R N A 扩增大片段 N S3 基因法较大量登革病毒提取 R N A 扩增大片段 N S3 基因快速、实用。
Objective : To find out a rapid and practical method of amplifying large N S3 gene fragment of denguevirus . Methods : The large N S3 genefragment was amplified using ribonucleic acid( R N A) isolated from the New Guinea C( N G C) strain of dengue 2 virus ( D V2) as template by R T P C Rin different amounts of virus . Nested P C Rwas used toidentify the amplified target gene . Results : The large N S3 gene fragment were amplified from R N As extracted from largeor small amount of D V2 infected culture supernates . Conclusion : The method amplifying large N S3 gene fragment fromsmall amount of dengue virusis faster and more practicalthan that amplifying from large amount of dengue virus .
Academic Journal of Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences
Subject headings Dengue virus/genetics
Genes ,viral
new guinea
polymerase chain reaction/ methods