
林译《迦茵小传》道德话语的修辞建构 被引量:4

Rhetorical Construction of Moral Discourse in Lin Shu's Chinese Translation of Joan Haste
摘要 英国作家哈葛德的小说Joan Haste在晚清被译入中国,有蟠溪子的半部译本《迦因小传》和林纾的全译本《迦茵小传》,这两个译本引发的争议均围绕译本道德话语展开。依照广义修辞学"话语建构-文本建构-人的精神建构"的分析思路,对勘原著和译本,对《迦茵小传》中的道德话语关键词"孝、义、恩、礼"进行描述分析,进而从译本核心修辞形态及其成因切入,审视19世纪末中国封建社会穷途末路语境下的林纾,如何通过译本的修辞设计回应西方话语、重构译本的深层语义。 Henry Rider Haggard's novel Joan Haste was introduced into China in the late Qing Dynasty,with Chinese translation of the second part of the novel by Pan Xizi and the complete translation by Lin Shu.Since then,arguments have erupted over the moral discourse of these two translations.By closely examining Lin Shu's version of Joan Haste against its English original from the perspective of "rhetorical reconstruction-textual reconstruction-text world values reconstruction",this article analyzes the moral discourse features in Lin Shu's translation,probes into the process how Lin Shu handles the moral values of the original work which are in clash with traditional Chinese moral values and how,by rhetorical manipulation,he endows his translation with social and ethical meanings different from that of the original.
作者 潘红
出处 《福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期64-70,共7页 Journal of Fujian Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 林纾 《迦茵小传》 道德话语 孝义恩礼 修辞重构 Lin Shu Lin Shu's Translation of Joan Haste moral discourse traditional Chinese core values "Xiao Yi En Li" rhetorical reconstruction
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  • 1寅半生.《读〈迦因小传〉两译本书后》,陈平原,夏晓红.《二十世纪中国小说理论资料》(第一卷),北京:北京大学出版社.1997年,第249页. 被引量:2
  • 2[英]哈葛德.《迦茵小传》,林纤,魏易译.北京:商务印书馆,1981年. 被引量:2
  • 3she bore no resentment against this dead and erring mother, but rather loved her with a strange and wondering love'" when some slight illness had affected the balance of her mind, Joan believed that she came and kissed her on the brow. (Chapter 1). 被引量:1
  • 4she was an outcast, a waif and a stray, and it was useless to cloak this fact. But, outcast or no, she was mistress of herself, and would not be driven into marriage, however advantageous, with Samuel Rock or any other man who was repellent to her. (Chapter 1). 被引量:1
  • 5There had been some quarrel between Henry and his dying father, and in that quarrel her name had been mentioned. Strange as it seemed, it might even be that he had declared an intention of marrying her. (Chapter 18). 被引量:1
  • 6Henry did not attend his father's funeral, for the good reason that he was ill in bed. In the first place, ""that slip of his on the stone steps had so severely affected his broken limb as to necessitate his lying by for at least another month. 被引量:1
  • 7In sad and solemn silence Henry gazed upon the clay that had given him life, and great bitterness and sorrow took hold of him. He covered his eyes with his hand, and prayed that God might forgive him for the pain which he had caused his father in his last hour, and that his father might forgive him too in the land where all things are understood(Chapter 15). 被引量:1
  • 8林纾.《美洲童子万里寻亲记》序,《英孝子火山报仇录》序,陈平原,夏晓红.《二十世纪中国小说理论资料》(第一卷),北京:北京大学出版社,1997年.第157、155-6页. 被引量:1
  • 9Old Levinger is a queer fish, and in some ways not altogether to be trusted, as I have known for many a year, but he has lots of good in him(Chapter 8). 被引量:1
  • 10"Of course, of course, " he said; "but all the same you are a brave girl, Joan, (Chapter 19). 被引量:1













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