虽然中国在翻译这一领域有着丰富的经验,但是中西方文化的差异使得中国译者会下意识地使用中式英语。Joan Pinkham在《中式英语之鉴》中对中式英语进行了全方位的描述并给出宝贵的意见和建议。该文通过对此书第二章中"代词与先行词"部分进行实例分析,浅析中式英语在日常翻译中的体现。
Although Chinese translators have a lot of experience,the differences between Chinese and English determine different ways in which both languages are used. Therefore Chinglish is an inevitable mistake that Chinese translators unconsciously make. In the book The Translator's Guide To Chinglish,Joan Pinkham fully illustrate what is Chinglish and give important suggestions. In this paper,the author illustrates'Pronouns and Antecedents'with specific examples.
Overseas English