为研究张家口发电厂循环冷却水中各因子对凝汽器铜管的腐蚀影响,在分析了循环冷却水水质情况的基础上,针对两种缓蚀阻垢剂ZD-1和ZD-2分别进行了阻垢和缓蚀效果试验,接着进行了循环水各因子对三种凝汽器铜管管材的腐蚀影响试验。结果表明:两种缓蚀阻垢剂的阻垢和缓蚀性能相似,且均能满足实际生产要求;B30铜管的抗腐蚀性能优于701-A和701-B管;氯离子的腐蚀占主导作用,其对701-A管的腐蚀最强,而对B30的腐蚀最弱;在NaC lO作为杀菌剂时应控制其最高浓度不超过4.4mg/L,高浓度的NaC lO能阻碍缓蚀阻垢剂的缓蚀作用,在浓度保持1.1 mg/L左右时,即可达到杀菌效果。
In order to investigate the corrosion influence of various factors of the circulating cooling water in condenser copper tubes in Zhangjiakou Power Plant, based on a complete analysis of water quality of the cooling water, corro- sion and scale inhibition tests have been implemented using two corrosion and scale inhibitors ZD-1 and ZD-2, respectively. Then corrosion tests of various influencing factors of the cooling water on three kinds of condenser copper tubes have been conducted. Test results show that, ZD-1 and ZD-2 have very similar performance in corrosion and scale effects, and they can both meet the actual requirements of production;B30 tube is superior to 701-A and 701-B tubes in its corrosion resistance;Cl- plays a dominating role in corrosion tests compared with other influencing fac- tors, and it causes a severe corrosion impact on 701-A tube ,while corroding B30 tube weakly ;the highest concentration of NaClO antiseptic should be controlled below 4.4mg/L,otherwise a much higher concentration will impede the corrosion inhibition of corrosion and scale inhibitors, and sterilization can be achieved when maintaining the concentration at approximately 1.1 mg/L.
North China Electric Power
condenser copper tube
corrosion test
corrosion and scale inhibitor