
热压法制备Ti-Al/TiC金属陶瓷 被引量:3

Preparation of Ti-Al/TiC Cermet by Hot Pressing
摘要 以Ti、Al、活性碳粉为组分,采用热压工艺原位合成Ti-Al/TiC金属陶瓷,借助XRD和SEM观察该金属陶瓷的相成分和显微组织。结果表明:在1300~1350℃,原位生成了TiC强化相;将温度升高到1400℃后,TiC与Ti-Al反应生成了Ti-Al-C系三元增强相。 Using the powder mixture of TiAl and active carbon,TiC/Ti-Al cermet was synthesized by hot pressing.The phase content and microstructure of the cermet was investigated by XRD and SEM.The results show that TiC phase can be in-situ synthesized at 1300 ℃~1350 ℃.As the temperature increasing to 1400 ℃,Ti-Al-C ternary reinforcement phase generates in the reaction between TiC and Ti-Al.
出处 《热加工工艺》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期73-74,共2页 Hot Working Technology
基金 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(2008E120) 陕西理工学院省级重点研究基地培育项目(SLGJD0806)
关键词 Ti-Al金属间化合物 TIC 反应过程 Ti-Al intermetallics TiC reaction process
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