目的对照观察苯巴比妥(PB)和银杏叶对单纯性惊厥(SFC)患儿血清神经元特异性烯醇化酶(NSE)的不同影响。方法将符合纳入标准的188例SFC患儿随机分为3组。惊厥未用药组:不使用PB及其他止惊药;PB止惊组:予PB(10 mg.kg-1,但每次不超过150 mg)肌肉注射,每天1次,连用2 d;PB+银杏叶组:在PB止惊组基础上当日予银杏叶,≤2岁每次15 mg、>2岁每次20 mg,每天2次,连用14 d。健康对照组为同期体检抽血的健康儿童。各组SFC患儿分别在惊厥发作后2 d、7 d及21 d时取静脉血2 mL,ELISA法测定血清NSE水平。结果 1.>2岁组:各SFC组在惊厥发作后2 d时NSE水平均较健康对照组明显增高(Pa<0.01)。7 d时NSE水平均有回落,但仍较健康对照组高(Pa<0.05,0.01)。2.≤2岁组:PB止惊组在2 d、7 d和21 d时NSE均高于惊厥未用药组(Pa<0.01)。而PB+银杏叶组在各时点NSE水平的增高与惊厥未用药组比较差异无统计学意义。惊厥未用药组NSE水平在2 d、7 d、21 d各时点呈逐渐下降过程。而PB组在各时点的NSE水平递降却不明显。PB+银杏叶组NSE水平自7 d起至21 d时明显递减。结论 SFC发作引起儿童血清NSE水平一过性轻度增高,提示惊厥性脑损伤的存在;PB会进一步加重SFC患儿血清NSE水平的增高,银杏叶则有降低血清NSE水平和减轻PB脑损伤的可能性。
Objective To observe the different effects of phenobarbital(PB) and Ginkgo Leaf pills on the serum neuron-specific enolase(NSE) level after seizures of simple febrile convulsion(SFC) in children.Methods One hundred and eighty-eight children were included,all of them were hospitalized due to their seizures of SFC,who randomly divided into 3 groups.Seizures without any drug group:seizures without any anticonvulsive drugs or PB;PB treatment group:PB with a dosage of 10 mg·kg^-1(the highest dose less than 150 mg·kg^-1) was given through intramuscular injection,once a day,for 2 days.PB plus Gingko Leaf group:in addition to the same dosage of PB treatment,Gingko Leaf pills were given orally with a dosage of 15 mg for children aged 2 years and less or 20 mg for children aged older than 2 years twice a day for 14 days.Healthy control group:bloods were taken for the regular health evaluation.Venous blood samples were taken from all SFC children on the 2nd day,7thday and 21st day after seizure stopped.Serum NSE levels were tested using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.Results 1.In the age group older than 2 years:on the 2nd day,serum NSE levels in the children with SFC were significantly higher than that in healthy control group(Pa0.01).On the 7th day,NSE levels were droped down but still higher than that in healthy control group(Pa0.05).2.In the group of 2 year age or less:serum NSE levels were significantly higher in PB subgroup compared with that in the seizure without any drug group on the 2nd,7th and 21st day,respectively(Pa0.01).However,NSE level were slightly elevated but not significantly different in the subgroup with PB plus Ginkgo Leaf compared with that in seizure without any drug group.On the 2nd,7^th and 21^st day,NSE levels gradually dropped down in the subgroup of seizures without any anticonvulsive drug,in older than 2 years group.Similar trend was not observed in PB treatment group.On the contrary,NSE level dropped drown from the 7^th day in the PB plus Ginkgo Le
Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics