大田条件下,以花育22号和白沙1016花生品种为材料,在其齐苗后采用遮阳网遮光50%并分别设遮光30、45、60 d三个处理,研究了遮光持续时间对花生荚果产量和品质的影响。结果表明:花生荚果产量随遮光持续时间的延长而降低,遮光30 d花育22号产量基本不降低,但遮光45、60 d处理的单株结果数和果重均显著降低,荚果产量显著低于对照;白沙1016的荚果产量各遮光处理均显著降低。遮光处理籽仁蛋白质含量降低,不同遮光持续时间差异不显著;脂肪含量略有增加,但和对照差异不显著。因此,大垄宽幅麦(遮光50%左右)套花生应以大花生品种为主,花生出苗后与小麦的共生期不宜超过30 d。
The effects of different shading durations,30,45 and 60 days,after seedling emergence on pod yield and quality of peanut varieties Huayu 22 and Baisha 1016 were studied through 50% shading with shading net in field.The results showed that the pod yield decreased with the extension of shading duration.The yield of Huayu 22 decreased very little after shading for 30 days,but the pods per plant,pod weight and yield reduced significantly after shading for 45 or 60 days.All the shading treatments significantly decreased the pod yield of Baisha 1016.The kernel protein content decreased with no significant difference between different shading durations,while the fat content increased a little with no significant difference with that of the control.So the peanut variety with large pod should be used for the intercropping with wheat and their symbiosis period should be not more than 30 days.
Shandong Agricultural Sciences