论文文献资源管理网站是为论文需求者所开发的一个网站。网站使用Dreamweaver 8.0开发工具,采用JSP(Java Server Pages)开发技术,以SQL Server 2000为数据库,利用Tomcat作为应用服务器。网站分前台部分和后台部分,前台部分由用户使用,主要包括用户对论文文献资源的查看;后台部分由管理员使用,主要包括对论文文献资源的添加管理,修改管理和删除管理。
The management website of papers literature resource is developed for the paper who needs a website.The website uses Dreamweaver 8.0 development tools and the JSP(Java Server Pages) development technology,takes SQL Server 2000 as database application servers,Tomcat as application server.The website is divided into front of the part and background,users use the front of the part,referring to papers literature resource,administrators use the background,adding,changing and removing the papers literature resource.
Computer & Digital Engineering