自然伽马曲线主要用于地层岩性划分及泥质含量求取。由于我国陆上油田绝大多数已到了油田开发的中后期,对薄差储层的开发逐渐成为油田开发的重点。而目前的自然伽马曲线的分辨率只有(0.5—0.6)m,很难满足油田开发的需要。常规的通过数据处理方法提高测井曲线分辨率不能从根本上解决测井曲线的分辨率问题,且存在众多不确定因素。为此,设计生产了多晶体高分辨率自然伽马测井仪器,并采用非递归自适应组合技术对所测数据进行处理,得到了一条分辨率可以达到0.02 m的高分辨率自然伽马曲线。通过大庆油田多口生产井取芯井检验。该套方法效果稳定,曲线分辨率高,有效地满足了油田后期开发的需要。
Gamma ray curve is mainly used for the location of lithology and calculated the clay content.Because the vast majority of onshore oil field development has been to the late,most oil fields shift to development of thinner pays of inferior quality.But the resolution of current Gamma Ray log has only 0.5—0.6 meter,difficult to meet the needs of oil field development.Conventional data processing methods can improve the resolution of well logs but can't solution the problem of the resolution fundamentally,and there are many uncertain factors.For this reason,polycrystal high-resolution Gamma Ray log instrument,and combined use of non-recursive adaptive techniques for processing the logging data is design and produced.A high-resolution Gamma Ray curve which has 0.02 meter resolution is obtained.Inspection by several production wells and coring wells of Daqing Oilfield,this mathod stable is proved and has high-resolution,effective meet the needs of later development of oilfield.
Science Technology and Engineering