1Anthony Giddens, The Consequences of Modernity,Stanford : Stanford University Press, 1990, p, 175. 被引量:1
2Anthony Giddens, Runaway World, How Globalisation Is Reshaping Our Lives, London: Profile Books, 2002, p. xxxi. 被引量:1
3John Tomlinson, Cultural Imperialism, A Critical Introduction, London/New York: Continuum, 2001, p. 175. 被引量:1
4Roland Robertson, Globalization : Social Theory and Global Culture, London. Sage, 1992, pp. 173-174. 被引量:1
5Roland Robertson, "Glocalization : Time- Space and Homogeneity-Heterogeneity", in :Mike Featherstone, Scott Lash & Roland Robertson (eds), Global Modernities , London : Sage, 1995, pp. 25-44. 被引量:1
6Roland Robertson, "Glocalization : Time- Space and Homogeneity-Heterogeneity", in :Mike Featherstone, Scott Lash & Roland Robertson (eds), Global Modernities , London : Sage, 1995, pp. 177-178. 被引量:1
7Cameron McCarthy, et al. (eds) : Globalizing Cultural Studies : Ethnographic Interventions in Theory, Method, and Policy, New York & Washington, D. C. : Peter Lang, 2007. 被引量:1
8John Tomlinson, Cultural Imperialism, A Critical Introduction, p. 42. 被引量:1