为给落叶松杂种F1代进化潜力的研究提供资料,利用RAPD、SSR标记分析了日本落叶松×兴安落叶松杂种F1代147个个体的遗传多样性。RAPD遗传多样性分析结果为,有效等位基因数平均值1.669 1,Nei遗传多样度平均值为0.395 5,Shannon多样性指数平均值为0.583 1;SSR遗传多样性分析结果为,有效等位基因数平均值1.689 2,Nei遗传多样度平均值为0.399 8,SSR标记的Shannon多样性指数平均值0.587 0。SSR标记和RAPD标记所揭示的杂种F1群体遗传多样性水平各指数值基本一致,且都表明与日本落叶松杂交后,杂种F1群体在遗传多样性上高出兴安落叶松。
In order to provide data for the studies on evolutionary potential of hybrid F1 progeny in Larix spp, ge netic diversity of 147 hybrid F1 progeny population of L. leptolepis× L. gmelinii was researched by RAPD and 5SR marker technologies. The results of RAPD analysis showed that the effective number of alleles, Nei's index, Shannon information index were 1. 669 1, 0. 395 5 and 0. 583 1, respectively. The results of SSR analysis showed that they were 1. 689 2, 0. 399 8 and 0. 587 0, respectively. Each index of F1 population was consistent in genetic diversity level by SSR and RAPD markers, and the result showed that the genetic diversity of hybrid F1 population was higher than L. gmelini after hybridized by L. Kaempferi.
Non-wood Forest Research