研究表明,烟叶欠熟、变黄后期和定色前期时间太短是造成 C B1(翠碧一号)光滑(僵硬)烟产生的直接原因。淀粉未充分转化造成含量过高是内在本质。光滑(僵硬)烟的产生还与品种特性、部位、装烟密度、施肥有关。提高采收成熟度、延长40~45℃烘烤时间可显著降低光滑烟比例。
The study showed that leaf immaturity,the shortness of the late stage of yellow and early stage of color fixing were the direct reasons that caused the slick (rigid) leaf of CB 1 and the internal factor was the existing of too high concentration of starch.The formation of such leaf was also affected by variety,leaf position,fertilization and loading density.The results also suggested it was obvious to decrease the proportion of slick (rigid) leaf by improving leaf maturity and prolonging the stage at 40~50℃
Chinese Tobacco Science