目的:探讨人乳头瘤病毒16 和18 型及抑癌基因p53 突变对宫颈的致癌作用以及 H P V 感染与p53 基因突变的相关性。方法:采用聚合酶链反应( P C R) 技术和限制性酶切片段多态性分析( R F L P) 技术对34 例原发性宫颈癌组织及30 例正常宫颈组织 H P V16 ,18 型 D N A 及抑癌基因p53 的突变进行了检测。结果: H P V16 ,18 D N A 在宫颈癌的总阳性率为647 % (22/34) ,正常宫颈组织只有67 % 阳性,8例宫颈癌组织出现p53 基因第6 外显子突变,其中2 例为 H P V16 D N A 阳性、1 例 H P V18 D N A 阳性。结论:宫颈癌的发病与 H P V 感染及p53 基因突变有关,宫颈癌组织中p53 基因突变与 H P V 感染无关。
Objective:To study the role of human papilloma virus (HPV) infection and p53 gene mutations in the oncogenesis of cervical cancer and to clarify the association between p53 gene mutation and the presence of HPV DNA.Methods:34 primary cervical carcinomas and 30 normal cervical specimens were examined for the presence of HPV16,18 DNA by PCR,the p53 gene(exons 6,7) was analyzed by PCR RFLP.Results:HPV16,18 were detected in 64.7%(22/34) of the tumors.HPV18 DNA was positive in 6.7%(2/30) of normoral cervical specimens.However no HPV16 DNA was found in normal cervical tissues.Mutatoins of p53 gene (exon 6) were detected in 8 of 34 tumors.Two of the cases with p53 mutation were positive for HPV16 DNA and one positive for HPV18 DNA.Conclusions:Cervical carcinoma is strongly associated with HPV16 and HPV18 infection,p53 gene mutation is independent of HPV infection.