Objective: To establish the quality specification of leukoplakia tincture. Methods: Common gardenia fruit, Chinese dodder seed, psoralea corylifolia in this medicine were identified by TLC ; HPLC method was used to determine the content of jasminoidin. And the HPLC conditions were as follows: Hedera ODS -3 C18 (4. 6mm×250mm,5μm) column was served as an analytical column; the mobile phase was methyl cyanides- water (12: 88) with elution at a flow rate of 1.0mL·min-1 ; the detection wavelength was 238 nm and the column temperature was 30℃. Results: The TLC spots were quite clear; The linear range of jasminoidin was within 0. 07620 - 0. 8890μg ( r = 1.00), the average recovery was 97. 20% and RSD was 2. 32% ( n = 6). Conclusion: The method is simple, accurate and reproducible, and can be used for the quality control of leukoplakia tincture.
Chinese Journal of Ethnomedicine and Ethnopharmacy