1983年调查了4个组合 F_2的柱头外露率。IR36/6209-3F_2群体不呈正态分布,6209-3的高柱头外露率为完全显性,表现质量性状遗传,容易通过杂交而转育。其余组合 F_2接近正态分布,表现为数量性状遗传。IR36/6209-3F_2的柱头外露长度和宽度,都接近正态分布,也属数量性状遗传。柱头外露率,外露长度和宽度在 F_2群体中都有超高亲个体出现,都可在选育不育系中加以利用。
The percentage of stigma exserted glumes after anthesis of F_2 plants from 4 rice crosses were calculated in 1983.In cross IR36/6209-3 the substan- tially stigma exsertion was complete domiant and of qualitative inheritance. The normal frequency distributions for the stigma exserted glumes were found intherest crosses,that indicated that,the stigma exsertion was partially dominant over the nonexsertion and of quantitative nature in these crosses. Also the inheritance of the breadth and length of the exserted portions of the stigma in cross IR36/6209-3 was found of quantitative nature.
rice stigma exsertion
transgressive inheritance