Bian Shisisheng Li Fa (辨十四声例法) attached to Guangyun(广韵) is the precious remains in which the Chinese phonology was analyzed by Sanskrit phonology before Sui(隋) Dynasty, and it is always known for its obscurity. In this article the author attempts to explain it by collation. The first step is to collate the wrong words and then a systematic comparison is made with the Sanskrit letters. Next the author points out the Sinicization of Shisi Y'm (十四音) which contains 7 kinds of vowels and 7 kinds of constants is due to directing to the features of Chinese Phonology. In the inherited annotations of Shisi Yin(十四音) they are close to Jie Fu(解复) school, but it is different from what Wujing heng classified. It combines the principles of Wuyin Sheng Lun(_五音声论). Based on this the author further explains that "Wuyin(五音) Gong(宫), Shang(商), Jue(角), Zhi(徴), Yu(羽)" not only correspond with initial constant but also with vowels, and verifies that the sequence of QieYun "Dong Jiang Zhi Yu"( 东江支鱼) actually originated from "designating the words by Wuyin(五音)"in LiDeng's Sheng Lei(声类)and Lu Jing's Yunji(韵集). Sheng Lei is the classification of Wuyin(五音). And also the author explains that by citing the classification of Wuyin(五音) from Warring States to Sui( 隋) Dynasty and the change of Wuyin(五音) classification of surname (including the five surnames annotations in Dunhuang Qieyun(敦煌切韵) block-printed edition and Tibetan Xing Shi Gui Shu Wu Yin Jing (姓氏归属五音经) and Shi Lin Guang Ji( 事林广记)).
Studies in Language and Linguistics
Bian Shisisheng Li Fa ( 辨十四声例法)
Shisi Yin (十四音)