
垂直外腔面发射激光器的模拟分析 被引量:3

Simulation and Analysis of Vertical-external-cavity Surface-emitting Laser
摘要 垂直外腔面发射激光器芯片的生长工艺要求精确到nm量级,制作成本高,有必要用软件对设计好的VECSEL芯片进行仿真,实现优化。通过PICS3D软件对已经设计好的一个底发射的VECSEL芯片结构进行仿真,获得了量子阱有源区的带隙结构、材料增益曲线及子腔谐振谱线等特性。结果表明,InGaAs/GaAsP/AlGaAs材料体系能够有效地吸收808 nm的泵浦光,产生足够多的光生载流子(电子—空穴对),这些载流子能轻易地渡越应变补偿层,被量子阱俘获,产生复合发光。其发光带隙1.25 eV,相应波长992 nm,接近设计波长980 nm。InGaAs的材料增益峰值波长正好在980 nm处,增益系数高达4 000 cm-1。InGaAs/GaAsP/AlGaAs量子阱的谐振峰值波长为983 nm,与980nm的分布布拉格反射镜(DBR)的反射中心波长非常接近,其峰值功率高达23 dB,理论上能够获得较大的输出功率。 The vertical external cavity surface emitting lasers(VECSELs) require a rigorous facture art from a chip that has been grown in MBE or MOCVD that possess the nm precision and is expensive.It's necessary to firstly simulate the operation of a chip designed in order to get the key parameters and then time after time optimize the structure designing until they are grew.The designed bottom-emitting VECSEL structure was simulated by using pics3d sofeware and the properties of quantum well active region such as bandgap structure,material gain curve,the resonate spectrum and so on were obtained.The results shows that InGaAs/GaAsP/AlGaAs material system is able to absorb effectively the pumped light of wavelength 808 nm and to generate enough carriers(electrons and holes).These carriers would be easily go through the strain complement layers and would be captured by the QWs,and then emitting radiation.These semiconductor laser materials have the bandgap of 1.25 ev corresponding wavelength of 992 nm which is very close to the design wavelength 980 nm.The peak gain wavelength of InGaAs material is right at 980 nm and its gain coefficient is high to 4 000 cm-1.The InGaAs/GaAsP/AlGaAs QW peak emitting wavelength is 983 nm,is very close to the 980 nm DBR center wavelength,and its peak power reach to 23 dB,so the output power should be relative high in theory.
出处 《重庆师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2011年第1期55-59,共5页 Journal of Chongqing Normal University:Natural Science
基金 重庆市高校光学工程重点实验室重点项目(No.0705)
关键词 C42+分子 电声耦合 Td对称性 哈密顿量 杨-泰勒畸变 能级分裂 vertical external cavity surface emitting lasers(VECSEL) optical pump multiple quantum well(MQW) resonate periodic gain(RPG)
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