为了解灵缇犬对马流感病毒A/Equine/Huabei/01/2007(H3N8)的易感性,将马流感病毒培养液以1.0 mL(含105.7EID50)经静脉途径接种4条灵缇犬,另以2.0 mL(含2×105.7EID50)经滴鼻、点眼方式接种3条灵缇犬。采用临床症状和病理学观察、免疫酶组织化学染色技术、病毒分离、HI抗体检测和流感病毒受体类型检测技术,对病毒在灵缇犬体内的感染情况进行了系统研究。结果表明,感染的7条犬在整个试验观察期间体温等临床指标均无异常变化,未见明显的肉眼和组织学病变。感染后5 d,4条感染犬的气管、支气管和细支气管上皮细胞内流感病毒M蛋白均为阳性,1条犬的咽拭子病毒分离结果为阳性,1条犬的马流感病毒H3亚型HI抗体阳性。感染后14d,剩余3条感染犬中有2条犬马流感病毒H3亚型HI抗体呈阳性。试验证明,目前流行的A/Equine/Huabei/01/2007(H3N8)病毒可以感染灵缇犬,但不导致灵缇犬出现明显的临床症状。灵缇犬的喉头、气管上皮细胞具有与马流感病毒结合的SAα2,3 Gal受体。
This investigation assessed the susceptibility of greyhounds to the equine influenza virus(H3N8) that caused outbreak of equine influenza in horse in Northern China.Four greyhounds were infected via intravenously injection,each was inoculated with 1 mL(105.7 EID50) virus cultures,and the other three greyhounds via eye-drop and nose-drop route,each dog was inoculated with 2 mL(2×105.7 EID50).Results showed that all the infected dogs remained clinically healthy and normal body temperature during the observation period.No gross lesions and histopathological changes were observed.At 5 days post inoculation,the M protein of influenza virus was all detected in epithelium cytoplasm of trachea and bronchioles in 4 greyhounds,the virus was recovered and HI antibody was detected respectively in one of infected greyhounds.Seroconversion was demonstrated in 2 serum samples of 3 remaining dogs at 14 days post inoculation.Our data suggested that greyhounds are not susceptible to the A/Equine/Huabei/01/2007(H3N8) isolate,although the virus can infect the greyhound with the massive dose of this virus.Further examination of the presence of influenza virus receptors,sialic acids linked to galactose by an α-2,3 linkage(SAα2,3Gal) or by an α-2,6 linkage(SAα2,6 Gal) in greyhound's respiratory tracts suggested that epithelial surfaces of larynx,trachea,bronchioles contained mainly SAα2,3 Gal,a well-recognized receptors for equine influenza virus,which may partly provided the physio-evidence that the hemagglutination inhibition antibody was induced when the greyhound were infected artificially with equine influenza virus H3N8 subtype.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science