对目前高校计算机类专业教学中存在的突出问题进行深入分析,将师生角色进行新定位,借鉴特朗普教学制(Trum Plan),提出一种新的教学方法——把教师授课、小组讨论、个人自学、学生上台报告结合在一起,突出兴趣性、实践性与实用性。通过自定义的考核机制对学生的综合表现进行系统测评,与学生约定的激励与惩罚机制让学生在课堂上有直接的动力与现实的压力;在期末,进行有针对性的匿名问卷调查,根据反馈的数据验证教学改革的教学效果。
Based on the analysis of teaching problems in computer and related majors,this article aims to redefine the roles of teachers and students,and by borrowing from Trum Plan,proposes a new teaching method which combines lecturing with group discussion,student presentation and self study.This method emphasizes the practical nature of courses and aims to encourage students' interest in study.By evaluating students overall performance with a self-administered examining system and rewards and punishments mechanism,students are encouraged and urged to improve their classroom performance.At the end of the term,an anonymous questionnaire is handed out to get feedback from students about classroom teaching effects.
New Orientation of teachers and students
ability training
evaluation system
mechanism of rewards and punishments