目的 充分认识乳腺钼靶X线检查在乳腺癌病灶显示及定性诊断中的价值.方法 回顾性分析24例X线征象不典型乳腺癌的临床资料、乳腺类型、X线表现及超声结果.结果 本组X线表现不典型乳腺癌均有较典型临床表现,以扪及乳内及腋窝肿物最常见(100%).X线表现共分为5种类型:阴性型(6例) 增生型(7例) 良性占位型(5例) 炎症型(5例) 淋巴结型(1例).发生于致密腺体型乳腺9例 多量腺体型4例 少量腺体型11例.同时行超声检查者17例,其中15例检出实质性肿块或结节.结论 对于无钙化的乳腺癌,钼靶X线检查在病灶显示及定性诊断中有一定的局限性,应充分结合超声检查与临床资料.
Objective To fully understand the value of mammography in the discovery and the diagnosis of breast cancer. Methods 24 cases of breast cancer with atypical x-ray appearance were reviewed and analyzed. Results This group of cases with atypical x-ray appearance have otherwise typical symptoms in clinics, mostly the masses in the breast and axillary(100%). There are 5 types of x-ray appearance including negative(6 cases), hyperplasia(7 cases), benign space-occupying(5 cases), inflammation(5cases) and lymph node(1 case). In all the 24 cases of breast cancer, there are 9 cases in dense gland-type,4 cases in more gland-type and 11 cases in less gland-type. Within our group of 24 cases, 17 cases were examined with ultrasound simultaneously and 15 cases of them were found positive with solid masses and nodules. Conclusion Mammography has some limitations itself in the discovery and the diagnosis of breast cancer so the diagnosis should be made with ultrasound examination and clinical data.
International Medicine and Health Guidance News
Breast cancer Diagnosis Mammography