With binomial coefficient smooth,Morlet wavelet analysis,the temperature anomalies Spatio-temporal-varying characteristics change and its anormalous circulation patterns were analyzed with the observed data of air temperature at stations in Southern Xinjiang from 1951 to 2007 and NCAR/NCEP monthly mean data.Results showed that the frequency of southern Xinjiang temperature anomalies was 26% in summer during the last 57 years.The summer temperature anomaly showed the 20-year inter-dewcadal periodic variations and a quasi-ten year inter-annual periodic variations.Distribution of abnormal temperature varied with different decades.However,according to long-term trend of air temperature,north of Southern Xinjiang(Southern Tianshan Mountain)became hotter,while Tarim basin and south of Southern Xinjiang became cooler,Turpan neared the warming center.The circulation patterns contrasted sharply in hot summer and in cool summer.In hot summer years,500 hPa height became exceptionally low from the Urals to the Okhotsk regions,exceptionally high from Northeast China to Northeast Asia,and exceptionally low in the low latitude area.Therefore,the height changes of these regions were the key factors of the high temperature and drought in Southern Xinjiang.200 hPa jet stream over China's mid-latitudes significantly strengthened,Southern Xinjiang is at the west side of enhancing center,where plus ageostrophic vorticity increased.Flow convergence on the 850 hPa enhanced near Baikal,and two strong anti-cyclonic anomalies circulation appeared over the Indian Ocean.Low-level wind transporting warm and wet flow over the Indian Ocean to Southern Xinjiang determined the summer temperature and drought anomalies.OLR anomalies field had a better indication for the summer high temperature and drought in southern Xinjiang.
Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment
southern Xinjiang
temperature anomaly
spatio-temporal features
circulation pattern