The literary value of Yi Zhuan (易传) is discussed inThe Literary Mind and Carving of Dragons (文心雕龙) from many aspects.Liu Xie thought that the essence of literature was the Tao and the function of liter ature was to recognize the Tao.His proposition that the Tao has to be spread by the masters in their works and the masters recognize the Tao by their works is just his summary on the explanation of Yi Zhuan (易传) about Yi Jing (易经).He thought that the explanation of Yi Zhuan (易传) about Yi Jing (易经) did not carried out by simple reporting and trivial annotation,but by careful creation.Beautiful words were extensively used in the explanation.In Yi Zhuan (易传),by frequently used antithesis and attention to rhyming,model articles were written.In Liu Xie’s opinion,Yi Zhuan (易传) played an important role in the literary types.The appearance of styles including comment,explanation,diction and preface is directly related toYi Zhuan (易传).In addition,by appraising the words ofYi Zhuan (易传) and analyzing materials inYi Jing (易经),Liu Xie revealed the literary contribution of the book and showed the literary concept of himself.
Journal of Liaodong University:Social Science Edition
The Literary Mind and Carving ofDragons (文心雕龙)
Yi Jing (易经)
Yi Zhuan (易传)
literary value