对于坝高较小的混凝土重力坝 ,扬压力对坝体稳定影响极大。通过对太平湾大坝扬压力超限原因的分析 ,研究了影响扬压力的因素 (坝体温度、坝体地质条件、坝体结构、基础防渗帷幕及固结灌浆、坝体排水等 )。文章并提出了降低扬压力的措施。
The uplift pressure has significant effect on the safety of low concrete gravity dam. Through analysis of the causes of over uplift pressure in Taipingwan Dam, the factors affecting uplift pressure are found out, such as dam temperature,dam foundation geologic conditions,dam construction, anti seepage curtain and consolidation grouting,dam dewatering,etc.At the end,several methods are presented for lowering uplift pressure.
Dam Observation and Geotechnical Tests