Objective To clone the variable gmes of HAb25 McAb against hepatocellular carcinoma.Methods The HAb25 variable region genes were isolated by RT-PCR technique from the HAb25hybridoma, and its nucleic acid opuences were analyzed by the sandals dideoxy-mediated chain-termi-nation method. Besults The gene of VH was 360bp long encoding 120 amino acids and the gene of VLwas 330bp long encoding 110 amino acids. Only one open reading frame could be found in each of thevariable genes. A comparison of the opuences of VH and VL domatins derived from the HAb25 antibodywith those of the published mouse ig genes in GenBank by computer revealed that the VH bine washomologous to the VH186.2 g6rmline g6ne family (84.00%) and VL gene was homologous to theMMIgGKAVAG(82.00%). Conclusion Both of the two genes are rearranged varisble region genes, whichare VHDJH3 for the VH and VK J K4 for the VL.
Chinese Journal of Hepatology