
BIS及TOF监测快通道麻醉对脊柱矫形术中唤醒时间的影响 被引量:1

Bispectral Index and TOF Monitored Anesthesia Technique for Posterior Scoliosis Correction Including Intraoperative Wake-up Test
摘要 目的探讨BIS及TOF肌松监测技术指导快通道麻醉对脊柱侧凸矫正术中唤醒时间的影响。方法 40例行脊柱侧凸矫正手术的患者随机分为两组,A组(联合监测组,n=20),B组(常规麻醉组,n=20)。观察BIS及TOF监测下的全凭静脉快通道麻醉对脊柱矫形术中唤醒时间和质量的影响。结果 B组唤醒时间为(12.3±3.3)min,明显长于A组(P(0.05)。结论 BIS镇静深度监测联合TOF肌松监测应用于需术中唤醒的脊柱侧凸矫形术唤醒时间短、唤醒质量好,有利于术中脊髓功能的监测。 Objective To evaluate the role of the BIS monitoring during intraoperative wake up test for scoliosis correction and the train-of-four ratio(TOF) peripheral nerve stimulator as an adjunct to fast-track anesthesia in patients with scoliosis undergoing posterior scoliosis correction including intraoperative wake-up test.Methods Forty patients scheduled for posterior scoliosis correction were randomly divided into group A(BIS-TOF) and group B(NO BIS-TOF).Time from anesthetic discontinuation to movement of the patient's toe and its quality were recorded during the wake-up test.Patients were interviewed for recall of the intraoperative events afte rrecovery.Results There was no marked diference between the two groups in patient characteristics,Wake-up time were(7.56±2.8)min in group A which was significantly shorter than(12.3±3.3)min in group B(P〈0.05).Conclusion BIS and TOF monitoring is useful for intraoperative wake-up test during scoliosis correction.peripheral nerve stimulator as an adjunct to fast-track anesthesia in patients with scoliosis undergoing posterior scoliosis correction including intraoperative wake-up test are suitable.
作者 张伟 刘宏建
出处 《医药论坛杂志》 2010年第17期39-40,43,共3页 Journal of Medical Forum
关键词 术中唤醒 脊柱矫形术 TOF BIS Wake - up test Fast - track anesthesia TOF BIS
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