本文用一台四极杆低分辨质谱与气相色谱联用,对天然玫瑰精油中的色谱共流出物和难确定的饱和正构烷烃化合物进行了质谱解析。结果表明,使用美国Cerno Bioscience公司研发的质谱MassWorks软件,其MSIntegrityTM技术可以使四极杆质谱仪器提高100倍的质量精度,达5×10-6;全自动同位素峰形检索技术CLIPS通过谱图准确度的匹配,实现了分子式的准确识别。
In this study,the mass spectrum of both components flowing out together from chromatography and n-alkanes difficult to identify in natural rose essential oil were analyzed by a GC-MS with modest resolution quadrupoles.The MSIntegrity? technology of MassWorks software developed by Cerno Bioscience can increase mass accuracy of modest resolution typical of quads by 100 times mass with the accuracy being 5×10-6.The molecular formula were accurately identified by the Calibrated Line-shape Isotope Profile Search(CLIPS) through spectral accuracy matching.
Journal of Inspection and Quarantine