目的比较咬上唇试验(upper lip bite test,ULBT)和改良Mallampati气道评估方法,探讨ULBT在预测国人困难气道插管程度的可行性。方法选择全身麻醉患者820例,其中男性432例、女性388例,年龄22岁-79岁,采用双盲法,3组医生分别评估患者的Mallampti分级,ULBT分级和全麻诱导以后的Cormack-Lehane分级。困难气道定义为:Mallampti3~4级,ULBT3级,Cormack-Lehane3~4级。按照筛检试验分别计算改良Mallampati分级方法和ULBT方法的敏感性、特异性、阳性预测值、阴性预测值、准确率、似然比、OR/RR和ROC曲线下面积。结果ULBT与改良Mallampati气道分级方法的准确度,灵敏度,特异度,阳性预测值,阴性预测值分别是86.1%,63.46%,89.39%,46.48%,94.4%和73.66%,51.92%,76.82%,24.55%。91.67%。结论ULBT相对于改良Mallampati分级有更高的敏感性,特异性和准确率,应该作为临床其他评估气道方法的一个补充,值得临床推广和应用。
Objective To compare preoperative anesthetic airway evaluation methods of the modified Mallamapti test and Upper lip bite test (ULBT),and to discuss the feasibility of Upper lip bite test on airway assessment. Methods 820 patients admitted for elective surgical procedure requiring endotraeheal intubation were prospectively studied to predict difficultly level of intubation. All the patients were assessed preoperatively using the Modified Mallampati Classification and Upper Lip Bite Test. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy were calculated. Results The accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of ULBT and the modified Mallamapti test are 86.1%, 63.46%, 89.39%, 46.48%, 94.4% and 73.66%, 51.92%, 76.82%, 24.55%, 91.67% repectively. Conclusion Compared to the Modified Mallampati Classification, ULBT has higher accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value, and should be served as a complementary to other methods. It is also worthy of promotion and application.
International Journal of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation