为了满足LED照明对恒流源的需求,设计了一种多通道并联输出程控恒流源,每一通道恒流源可独立控制,独立使用。分析了多通道恒流源系统的特点,采用英飞凌16位微控制器实现系统的智能化控制。描述了该系统的工作原理和硬件结构,给出了恒流源系统的软件设计和实验结果。实验结果表明,该系统电流步进值为1 mA,控制精度达到0.1%,系统工作稳定。
To satisfy the demand of current source in LED illumination, the muhi-channel digital controlled current source which current output can be independently controlled or provided more after parallel was designed. The characteristic of multi-channel digital controlled cun'ent source was analyzed, 16-bit micro-controller unit produced by Infenion corporation was used for intelligent control system. The hardware structure and the principle were expatiated, the software of current source and experimental results were described. The system was successfully developed. The experiment result shows that the system works well and current step value reaches hnA and control accuracy is 0.1%.
Electronic Design Engineering