Objectve: To study the relationship between the regression of hypertrophic scar and the apoptosis of myofibroblasts. Methods: The counts of apoptotic cells and the expression of α SM actin were determined in 61 cases of hypertrophic scar, 20 cases of non hypertrophic scar and 8 cases of normal skin with TUNEL technique, immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy. Results: α SM actin was expressed in the fibroblasts of hypertrophic scars and apoptosis was present in hypertrophic scars. The decrease of fibroblasts during the regresson of hypertrophic scars may be due to myofibroblastic apoptosis. Conclusion: Our data suggest that apoptosis might be the main cause to result in the decrease of fibroblasts in the regression of hypertrophic scars. Enhancement of myofibroblastic apoptosis might be a new method to treat hypertrophic scar.
Journal of Third Military Medical University