
miRNA检测技术进展 被引量:6

Development in the detection of miRNA
摘要 miRNA做为一种非常重要的非编码蛋白的RNA,广泛存在于植物、病毒、哺乳动物当中。因其在细胞增殖、细胞死亡、肿瘤发生和哺乳动物细胞生长中重要的调节功能,其检测技术也受到越来越多的关注,很多关键的检测技术,比如印迹技术,阵列杂交技术,反转录PCR技术等等都在miRNA的检测中发挥了巨大的实用价值。该文基于此对miRNA近几年的检测技术进行了具体的综述。 As a kind of very important non-protein coding RNA molecular, miRNA has been found in a broad range of plants, viruses, and mammals. Because miRNA plays an important role of regulation in cell proliferation, cell death, tumorigenesis, and mammalian cell development, more and more detection technologies have been developed. Many key detection technologies are quite useful in real detection applications, such as northern blotting, hybridization in mieroarray surface, and RT-PCR etc. So the paper would review some of the latest methods for miRNA detection.
出处 《化学传感器》 CAS 2010年第3期14-21,共8页 Chemical Sensors
关键词 基因调控 miRNA检测 gene regulation miRNA detection
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