
IMS LD规范视域下的“学习单元”设计 被引量:5

The Design of "Unit of Learning" Based on IMS LD Specification
摘要 怎样基于教育建模语言(Educational Modeling Language,简称EML)开展形式化层次的教学设计,是教学设计自动化领域中一个值得探讨的问题。IMS LD规范是一种经过改造的EML,具有目标、性质、基础、体系、提出者等五个方面的特点。基于IMS LD规范的学习(单元)设计有四条原理:指导思想原理、要素结构原理、设计层次原理、创设流程原理。从九个维度进一步对国际上已经推出的20多个IMS LD工具进行了归类扣比较,并以《教育技术原理》教改课程为例,阐述了基于IMS LD规范的"学习单元"设计的具体过程,简介了"学习单元"设计制品的四条应用途径。 How to carry out instructional design on the formal level based on the Educational Modeling Language is an issue that is worth exploring in the area of automated instructional design. IMS LD specification is transformed from EML, and has five characteristics about its objective, property, base, system,and presenter. The"learning (unit) design"based on IMS LD specification has four principles: guiding principle, factors structure principle, design levels principle and creating process principle. This paper classifies and compares from nine dimensions more than 20 IMS LD tools that has been introduced in the international, and describes the specific process of designing"UoL"based on the example about the educational reform course"Principles of Educational Technology", and briefs four applied approaches of the"UoL"desigu artifacts.
作者 彭绍东
出处 《远程教育杂志》 CSSCI 2010年第5期16-21,共6页 Journal of Distance Education
基金 湖南省教育科学规划课题"基于虚拟学习社区的学生协同知识建构与数字化学习能力培养研究"(编号:XJK06BXJ002) 全国教育技术研究"十一五"规划重点课题"基于虚拟学习社区的学生数字化学习能力培养研究"(中央电化教育馆 2006)的成果之一
关键词 教育建模语言 IMS LD规范 学习单元 设计 原理 工具 Educational modeling language IMS LD Specification Unit of learning Design Principles Tools.
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