
大豆发酵制品唐可肽对血糖生成指数的影响 被引量:1

Effect of femented soy food Tangketai on human glycemic-index
摘要 目的测定大豆发酵制品唐可肽的血糖生成指数,并探讨唐可肽对于血糖生成指数以及血糖应答的影响。方法根据唐可肽碳水化合物的含量计算出相当于25g碳水化合物的唐可肽量,用25g葡萄糖为对照量,将受试者分为唐可肽组和葡萄糖组,每组10人,测定他们的空腹血糖后分别服用唐可肽和葡萄糖,测定2h内不同时点的血糖水平。根据Wolver方法计算食物的血糖生成指数(GI)值。结果测定了唐可肽血糖生成指数为54.86。结论唐可肽为低血糖生成指数值的食物。具有很好的降血糖、平稳血糖的作用。 Objective To determine glycogeny index of Tangketai and discuss the effect of Tangketai on glycemic index(GI). Methods The quantities of the foods which contained 25 grams of carbohydrates were computed according to food carbohydrate contents, and 25 grams of glucose were control. The subjects were divided into 2 groups, with 10 people in each group. The fasting blood glucose was determined. After the subjective ate the experimental foods, the blood sugar level at different points of 2 hours was determined. The GI value was computed with Wolver method. Results Tangketai's GI value was determined. Conclusion The GI of Tangketai was lower compared with that of glucose(GI= 54.86). Tangketai was effective to decrease and stable blood glucose.
出处 《国外医学(医学地理分册)》 CAS 2010年第3期149-150,共2页 Foreign Medical Sciences:Section of Medgeography
关键词 血糖生成指数 血糖应答 大豆发酵制品 blood glycogeny index number blood glucose response femented soy food
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