随着信息技术的发展,电力工业的信息安全已成为影响电力系统稳定运行的重要问题,IEC62351标准的提出对变电站通信系统与网络安全提供了保障,通过对IEC 62351标准和安全访问的分析,提出建立安全标准典型应用的安全模型,并设计出拥有身份认证、机密性和完整性的安全模型。安全模型的设计紧跟IEC 62351在数据和通信安全中的要求,并且遵从电力系统自动化现行的信息安全机制。通过该模型应用实例的描述和分析,证明能满足网络环境下变电站IED的安全访问和控制。
With the development of information technology, the information security of power industry has become a serious problem which could impact the stability of power system. The release of IEC 62351 gives guarantee for substation communication system and network. We propose a security model for the standard typical application by analyzing IEC 62351 and security access. The model includes authentication, confidentiality and integrity. The design of this model is tightly associated with IEC 62351 and complies with the existing information security mechanism of power system automation. The model can be used in IED security access and control of the substation under network by analyzing example.
Journal of Changsha Telecommunications and Technology Vocational College